Bennochy Live!

Bennochy Live!

Our next event to be streamed live will start at 11am on Sunday 13th October.

Note: This page will refresh every 30 seconds until the live stream starts.
If you see an empty page, press F5 or your reload icon to refresh the page.

  • If you can see the LIVE video above, just sit back and enjoy the event.
  • If you cannot hear any sound, click the speaker icon on the video (or on your device) to adjust.
  • Alternatively there are links below where you can view the event via Zoom or directly on Facebook.
  • If you do not have suitable viewing devices at home there is also a phone number you can call to listen on your phone (supplied on request by the Church).
Click for Facebook Visit our Facebook page to view the event
(if you cannot see the live video above)

Click for Zoom Join the Bennochy Live! event via Zoom
(Meeting ID and Password supplied on request)

Remember that you can enlarge the live video to fill your screen by clicking the Full Screen icon at the bottom right of the video.

You can also view previous services and videos on our Sunday Reflections page.