History (2024)

The Bennochy Community Choir took part in the 42nd Fife Festival of Music during February.

After the success of the pre Christmas Advent Bible Study, we ran six weeks of Lent Bible Study on the theme of Food during February and March until the title of Bible Blethers.

Following a process where all members were invited to submit a suggested name for our new congregation after the union, the Strategy Team, then each Kirk Session, drew up a short list. This was then refined by the Strategy Team with two names emerging as the strongest and most favoured candidates: Kirkcaldy Central Kirk and Langtoun Central Kirk. All members were then invited to select their preference, resulting in a majority decision for: Langtoun Central Kirk.

The name expresses a fondness for the intimate friendliness of the Langtoun name while also indicating the geographical location for the new congregation’s ministry and mission.

The Café organised an invitational Easter Lunch which was enjoyed by all who attended.

The Women's Group had excellent support for their annual Bunny Drive in early April. The splendid sum of £384 was raised for Church funds.

Saturday 20th April was International Organ Day 2024, promoted by the Royal College of Organists, and Stuart Watson, our organist organised a special event in the sanctuary of Bennochy Church. Some of his piano students showcased their keyboard skills and there was the option for anyone to try the organ themselves.

This event was streamed live and a recording can be viewed below:

International Organ Day 2024 - 20th April 2024

The Annual Stated Meeting for 2024 was held after the service on 21st April and included an update on the Town Centre Churches union process. A recording is available on our Recorded Meetings page.

A further series of three Bible Blethers discussion meetings focusing on an eco/environmental theme were held in May.

August saw our first ever ECO Fayre with a wide range of stalls and activities. See below for the video from the Fayre as well as a selection of photographs.

ECO Fayre - 10th August 2024

For a full list of the stalls and supporters please see the Fayre Flyer.

ECO Fayre - Green and Quirky Stall
ECO Fayre - Green and Quirky Stall
Visit The Photo Gallery View more pictures from the ECO Fayre

Early September featured our Harvest Songs of Praise Service, with goods collected for the Kirkcaldy Foodbank.

Harvest Service Collection for Kirkcaldy Foodbank
Harvest Service Collection for Kirkcaldy Foodbank

Harvest Service Flowers
Harvest Service Flowers

Harvest Service Display
Harvest Service Display


Bennochy Parish Church by Rev. Jack Gisbey


The Church regularly publishes newsletters which you can browse via the Newsletters page.

Photo Gallery

Please visit our Photo Gallery which contains historical pictures as well as a selection of more recent images from the many activities at the Church.