Let us no bide awa' frae the Kirk

Bennochy Parish Church Archive News 2017

Christmas Messy Church
26th November 2017
Messy Church

Abbotshall and Bennochy Christmas Messy Church will be held on Sunday 10th December, 3.30pm-5.30pm, in Bennochy church halls. Everyone is invited to share in the mess of glitter and party games, as we celebrate Christ's birthday, in the Messy Church style. Children must be accompanied by an adult.

Flower List 2018
26th November 2017
Sanctuary Flowers

The Flower List for 2018 is now available in the vestibule of the Church. If you wish to donate flowers, please put your name on the list against the appropriate date or speak to Senga Booth.

Community Bunting
19th November 2017
Community Bunting

We hope everyone is happy with the end result of the bunting project on display in the Methven Hall. 73 flags were made raising £365 for new lighting in the Sanctuary. A photo album of all who took part is available in the hall after the service today and in future in the church office.

It is hoped now that the bunting will last for ten years and will be enjoyed by all local people both in church and at other events in the neighbourhood. Anyone who wishes to hire the bunting, please make contact with:

  • Mary Stark
  • Rona Traill
  • Aileen Buchanan
  • Sheila Morris
  • Dianne Waddell (07980367632)

Christmas Poinsettias
12th November 2017

If you wish to have a poinsettia(s) in the Church for a friend or in memory of a loved one, please put your name on the Poinsettia List in the vestibule of the Church by Sunday 3 December. These plants will decorate the Church on Sundays 10 and 17 December. After the Service on 17 December you can take the plants home. The cost will be £6 and these are large plants. Payment should be made to Senga Booth.

KART - Love Your Street
4th November 2017
KART - Love Your Street

On Saturday 18th & Sunday 19th November KART invite us all to DONATE £5 and pledge to pray for your street, families & children in your neighbourhood and the school closest to where you live.

You can read full details by clicking here ...

October Missionary News
29th October 2017
Jenny Featherstone

The October 2017 newsletter is now available from our missionary partner Jenny Featherstone in Zambia.

You can read her latest news by clicking here ...

Emergency First Aid course
22nd October 2017
Bennochy Church

The Open Door Project is running an accredited Emergency First Aid course, which is open to the congregation. The First Aid course is free and will take place in the Methven Hall on Monday, 30th October. To book a place and for more details, please contact Louisa Turner, Development Worker.

Lochore Meadows Walk
15th October 2017

The Walkers next walk is on Sunday 22nd October leaving from the Church at 12.45pm. This is a smaller walk of just over 3 miles so should be suitable for all walkers. Unfortunately due to the closure of the Centre for redevelopment our coffee stop will be back to Sainsbury, Kirkcaldy.

Family Quiz Night
8th October 2016
Family Quiz Night

The Women’s Group Family Quiz Night is on Saturday 21st October at 6.30 p.m. Tickets, £5 adults and £2 children, available soon from Group members.

Update:The ladies of the Women's Group wish to say a big thank you to everyone who came to their Family Quiz Night on 21st October. The sum of £369 was raised.

Jigsaw Swap Group
8th October 2017
Jigsaw Swap

Bill Souter will soon be co-ordinating a Jigsaw Swap group from the Olive Branch Café. The idea is that people can donate a jigsaw, (any amount of pieces welcome and for any age group) and swap it with another jigsaw. The time limit of how long you take to do the jigsaw can be negotiated. There will be an annual charge of £2 and the monies raised will go towards purchasing new jigsaws.

If you have some jigsaws taking up cupboard space or gathering dust on a shelf, the group would be happy to have them.

If you are unable to attend the Olive Branch café on a Thursday, but would like to join this group or would like more information, please speak direct to either Bill Souter or Louisa Turner, Development Worker.

Hall Keeper
8th October 2017
Bennochy Church

The Kirk Session are pleased to announce that Diane White has accepted the position as Hall Keeper effective 1/10/17.

On behalf of the Kirk Session George Drummond would like to thank Grace Morrison, who retired recently as Hall Keeper after circa 10 years. Grace has shown great commitment in her role during this time managing this important facility.

Please join me in wishing Grace well and welcoming Diane to her new role here at Bennochy.

October Messy Church
24th September 2017
Messy Church

Our next Messy Church, will be held in Bennochy church halls, on Sunday 1st October, from 3.30pm - 5.30pm. We will be exploring the phrase I am the bread of life, through the fun of interactive worship time, games, activities and crafts, followed by a meal of sandwiches and snacks.

Everyone is welcome, young and old alike. However children must be accompanied by an adult.

For more details please contact, Louisa Turner, Development Worker.

Blairadam Forest Walk
24th September 2017

The Walkers next walk is on Sunday 1st October leaving from the Church at 12.45pm. This walk is a mixture of fields and forest and, therefore, sturdy footwear and poles are needed as there are several muddy areas and places uneven underfoot. It is approximately 4.7 miles. Coffee etc after the walk at Baxters.

Ladybank Walk
20th August 2017

The Walkers next walk is on Sunday 10th September leaving from the Church at 12.45pm. We will start and end the 5 mile walk at Ladybank train station. Terrain flat, some muddy parts through forest, lovely scenery. Coffee stop afterwards at Lomond Hills, Hotel, Freuchie.

Trustees Conference
20th August 2017
Bennochy Church

Our Trustees Conference is on Sunday 3rd September after the Church Service, starting at 1.00 until 3.00pm. Lunch will be provided directly after the Church Service. This year the Conference will be held in Bennochy and we will have a representative from the Stewardship Department on the day, who will be participating during the service and presenting to us at the conference. Please support this important day by your attendance - can you also advise George Drummond, Session Clerk, one way or the other please.

Harvest Service
20th August 2017

Our Harvest service this year is on 24th September, when an offering will be taken for the work of our Mission Partner, Jenny Featherstone.

The aim, along with Abbotshall, Burntisland and Auchterderran Kinglassie, is to raise £1000 to install a kitchen in one of the new rental houses being built on land owned by the United Church of Zambia. This is Jenny's own suggestion, as these houses are a main income stream for Chodort College, where Jenny is the principle. If the technology works, we also hope to be able to hear from Jenny during the service.

Donations of non perishable goods (tins & packets) will also be gratefully received for the work of the Salvation Army in the district.

Update: The amount raised from the Special Collection for our Mission Partner Jenny Featherstone in Zambia was £745.30. An amazing amount and thanks to everyone for their generosity.

Our Harvest offering for the work of our Mission Partner Jenny Featherstone in Zambia, along with offerings from Abbotshall, Burntisland and Auchterderran Kinglassie congregations, raised over £1800 to help install a kitchen in one of the new rental houses being built on land owned by the United Church of Zambia. These houses are a main income stream for Chodort College, where Jenny is the principal. A big thank you to everyone who contributed.

Hall Lets
20th August 2017
Bennochy Church

We have intimated over several months for anyone who may be interested in the Hall Keepers role but to date we have had no interest expressed. With this in mind and with effect from September 3rd we regret that no additional Hall lets will be accepted.

If anyone is interest in this position please contact George Drummond, Session Clerk – 01592-200179.

Blythswood Shoe Box Appeal 2017
6th August 2017
Blythswood Care

The shoe boxes are already covered and ready to be filled, so please take a box if you intend to take part in this appeal and also to take advantage of the sales in the shops at the moment! The boxes will be available from 13th August onwards. Thank you to all those who intend to take part by filling a shoebox with simple gifts, which can make someone happy at Christmas.

The shoeboxes are being uplifted on Thursday 2nd November so please bring your filled shoebox to church on Sunday 29th October. By filling a shoebox with gifts you can make someone happy at Christmas. Thank you to all those taking part in the appeal.

Green Token Fund at ASDA
6th August 2017
Community Garden

The Bennochy Community Garden Project has been named as one of the charities for the Green Token Fund at ASDA in Kirkcaldy for the months of July, August and September 2017. The charity which has the most green tokens will receive £500 and the other charities will receive £200. Please spread the word and encourage those who do shop at ASDA in Kirkcaldy to place their tokens in the Bennochy Community Garden slot.

Messy Church Update
1st August 2017
Messy Church

Some of the Messy Church team will be delivering, 'Messy Church in the Mercat' on Saturday 26th August from 11am - 3pm. 'Messy Church in the Mercat' is a collaboration of the churches in Kirkcaldy, Kinghorn and Burntisland working together sharing their faith openly, with the wider community. Do come along at any point during the session to either to take part in the activities or just to say hello. The themes will be the Lost Coin, Lost Sheep and Lost Son.

The Messy church team will be holding a planning meeting on Tuesday 15th August to plan for the next few Messy Church sessions at Bennochy Church.

Bennochy Messy Church will be held in the church hall on Sunday 10th September from 3.30pm - 5.30pm. Everyone of all ages is welcome to come along and join in with the fun and activities. There will be a time for worship, crafts, games, messy play and refreshments of sandwiches and snacks.

If you are unable to join us in September, our next sessions we will be: Sunday 12th November from 3.30pm - 5.30pm and Sunday 10th December from 3.30pm - 5.30pm. For more details on the planning meeting or sessions please contact Louisa Turner, Community Development Worker.

Community Garden
2nd July 2017
Community Garden

As part of the Bennochy Community Garden Project, we partner with Growing Kirkcaldy. Growing Kirkcaldy has supported our work with advice, hints and tips. We feel included as part of Kirkcaldy's efforts in enhancing the available green spaces and would like to support the volunteers at Growing Kirkcaldy by including Bennochy Community Garden as part of the route when local and national judging takes place. Bennochy Community Garden is a beautiful peaceful garden which is maintained by many unsung heroes of the congregation. I appeal that you become an unsung hero and if you see a weed over the summer months as you walk through the garden to pull it out.

An initial walk of the route of the judges will take place on the morning of Monday 24th July by members of Growing Kirkcaldy, in preparation for future judging.

Britain in Bloom will be the morning of Monday 7th August.

Beautiful Scotland will be the morning of Tuesday 8th August.

Areas which the judges will be particularly keen to mark on will be; horticulture, environmental responsibility and community engagement.

Bennochy Community Garden will be viewed as contributing to making Kirkcaldy a place that cares about its environment. Growing Kirkcaldy has been entered for Beautiful Scotland's Small City award. As a partner, we should work together in our small corner. If any unsung heroes in the congregation or community would like to be present when the judges come, please contact Louisa Turner, Community Development Worker.

Balgonie Walk
11th June 2017

The Walkers next walk is on Sunday 25th June leaving from the Church at 12.45pm. This is a 5.2 mile walk around Balgonie Loop. This is an easy country walk on flat terrain between fields so no poles required. Coffee at a local venue. Hope to see you all there.

Messy Sunday
28th May 2017
Messy Church

We need your prayers for the sun to shine all day for our special event 'Messy Sunday'. A day of excitement, fun and fellowship is being planned as we speak! A date for your diary - SUNDAY, 11th JUNE from 11am - 3.30pm, Bennochy Parish Church. The day will begin with a family service followed directly with a barbecue lunch in the church gardens. There will be an opportunity to hear the majestic Community Choir sing and take part in games and activities throughout the afternoon. Please invite your family, friends and neighbours along as we have this time together celebrating with the young and old alike.

If you feel that you would like to be part of the team on the day to deliver Messy Sunday, please speak to either Rev McAlpine or Louisa Turner, Community Development Worker directly. We require help with outdoor cooking and delivering the games and activities. By volunteering you are promised to have fun and a laugh. All resources and instructions for the outdoor activities will be provided, we just need helping hands!

17th May 2017
Kirkcaldy Area Reachout Trust

As a supporter of KART you are very warmly invited to our AGM on Tuesday 13th June at Abbotshall Parish Church Hall from 7.00pm-8.30pm.

Come along and find out about all the work KART has been doing this year in our schools and community.

Tea/coffee and homebaking will be provided.

Kinghorn Walk
14th May 2017

The Walkers next walk is on Sunday 4th June leaving from the Church at 12.45pm. It will be a circular walk in Kinghorn starting and ending at the Carousel. The approximate 3 and a half mile walk starts with an incline but the lovely views of the Forth will more than make up for it. It is on good gravel paths so no walking poles required. Hope to see you all there.

Christian Aid Lunch
7th May 2017
Soup and Sweet Lunch

The popular fund-raising Soup and Sweet Lunch is on Sunday 21st May, straight after the morning service. Get your tickets today, priced £5 for Adults and £2.50 for Children, available in the Methven Hall. This event is not to be missed.

Milnathort Walk
23rd April 2017

The Walkers next walk is on Sunday 7th May leaving from the Church at 12.45pm. We take a walk aroung Milnathort - the start in the town quite steep but thereafter pretty level. It is approximately 3 to 3 1/2 miles in distance and coffee/tea etc will be at Heaven Sent.

May Messy Church
18th April 2017
Messy Church

Our next Abbotshall & Bennochy Messy Church, will be held in Bennochy church halls, on Sunday 14th May, from 3.30pm - 5.30pm. Everyone is welcome to join in with the fun as we explore the first Pentecost.

Experiments, games, activities and crafts, will be available along with a time of Celebration and some sandwiches and refreshments.

For more details or if you would like to be part of the team in planning Messy Church, please contact, Louisa Turner, Development Worker.

RNLI May Day SOS Appeal
16th April 2017
RNLI May Day SOS Appeal

Senga Booth, with help from friends from Bennochy Church and the Kirkcaldy RNLI Committee, is holding a Tea Afternoon – Sponges and Scones - for the RNLI May Day Appeal on Friday 21 April, 2 till 4pm in the Methven Hall. Please come along and sample our scones and sponges. We will be delighted to see you. There will also be a Cake and Candy Stall. All proceeds will go to the Kirkcaldy Branch of the RNLI. The voluntary workers save lives every day around our shores, often in very dangerous conditions.

Update: The sum of £1,225 was raised on 21 April at the May Day Appeal. On behalf of the Kirkcaldy Branch of the RNLI I would like to thank everyone who supported us in any way to raise this fantastic amount for lifeboats and crew members who do such a great job around our coasts, often in very dangerous conditions.

Bereavement Service
9th April 2017
Bereavement Service

Our annual bereavement service will take place on, Sunday 7th May, in the church at 3 pm, inviting all family and friends connected with Bennochy Church, our parish or whose funeral has been conducted by our minister over the past year. All members of the congregation are welcome to attend.

March Missionary News
30th March 2017
Jenny Featherstone

The March 2017 newsletter is now available from our missionary partner Jenny Featherstone in Zambia.

You can read her latest news by clicking here ...

Lochgelly Walk
30th March 2017

The Walkers next walk is on Sunday 9th April leaving from the Church at 12.45pm. We will park at Lochgelly High School and follow farm tracks and rough paths. There may be parts of the walk which can be slightly muddy so walking poles are recommended. There will also be some town walking through Lochgelly This walk will be slightly longer at roughly 6 miles. Our refreshment stop will be at Sainsbury Kirkcaldy.

Holy Week Services
18th March 2017
Holy Week Services

Our special evening services for Holy Week are as follows:

  • Tuesday 11th April: St Bryce Kirk, 7 pm
  • Wednesday 12th April: Abbotshall Church, 7pm
  • Thursday 13th April: Auchtertool Church, 7pm
  • Friday 14th April: Bennochy Church, 7pm

Other services during Holy week:

  • Friday 14th April - 10am - 4pm at Linktown Church, open for music, quiet prayer and reflection, art & floral display, with a short service at 4.00pm.
  • Easter morning, 16th April: 6.00am at Linktown Church - sunrise service & breakfast at 8.30 am at the fountain in Beveridge Park

We will celebrate communion during our Easter morning service on Sunday 16th April.

Dalgety Bay Walk
12th March 2017

The Walkers next walk is on Sunday 19th March leaving from the Church at 12.45pm. We will take the cars to Dalgety Bay and park at Dobbies Garden Centre. The walk is just over four miles and consists of town and coast walking on good paths and pavements. Our walk will finish at Dobbies where we can enjoy lots of goodies.

Women's Group Bunny Drive
26th February 2017
Bunny Drive

Tickets for the Women's Group Bunny Drive on Tuesday 4th April at 6.30pm are now available from Group members. Adults £4 and children £2. Come along to the Methven Hall and enjoy an exciting evening of fun and games for all the family with prizes, raffle and a delicious light supper.

Update: The ladies of the Women's Group wish to say thank you to everyone who made their Bunny Drive on 4th April a very enjoyable and successful evening. An incredible £450 was raised, which included £36.50 from the East crafts stall. Also special thanks for all who donated raffle prizes. Happy Easter.

Informal Chat with Robin
12th February 2017
Enjoy a chat with Robin

If you are interested in joining the church or having an informal chat about the Christian faith, Robin will be at the Steadings on Thursday 23rd February at 7pm. Why not join him for a drink and a chat.

Lent Studies
12th February 2017
Lent Studies

Our Lent Studies this year are split into five sessions as follows:

  • Session 1: Receiving Christ: as children of God
  • Session 2: Receiving Christ: in the stranger and the needy
  • Session 3: Receiving Christ: in Holy Communion
  • Session 4: Receiving Christ: through prayer and fellowship
These sessions will be held in the Methven Hall on Thursdays 9, 16, 23 and 30th March at 11am.

A final session, "Christ in you, the hope of glory’ (Colossians 1.27)", will be held on Monday 10th April at 7pm in Abbotshall Church Halls.

February Messy Church
31st January 2017
Messy Church

Our next Messy Church, is planned for Sunday 12th February, from 3.30pm - 5.30pm, everyone is welcome, though children must be accompanied with an adult. Come along for an opportunity to be creative together as a family, worshipping, playing games, having fun, forming friendships and enjoy free hospitality.

If you cant make it in February, our next Messy Church will be Sunday, 12th March from 3.30pm-5.30pm.

Springfield Walk
22nd January 2017

The Walkers next walk is on Sunday 29th January leaving from the Church at 12.45pm. Our first walk of the year next Sunday will be a 4.5 miles circular walk around Springfield. We leave a Bennochy at the usual time of 12.45. This is pleasant walking along paths and tracks with a short bit of road walking.

Informal Chat with Robin
15th January 2017
Enjoy a chat with Robin

If you are interested in joining the church or having an informal chat about the Christian faith, Robin will be at the Steadings on Thursday 2nd February at 7pm. Why not join him for a drink and a chat.

Good wishes from Jenny Featherstone
15th January 2017
Jenny Featherstone

Jenny Featherstone sends her good wishes for the New Year 2017 to all at Bennochy Church. Our Harvest Collection of £401 is so gratefully received; it can cover a course for one student this academic year, starting now (January). She has been very troubled of late with fraud in her Finance Department, eventually having to dismiss two members of Staff. Hopefully the College can now move on into the new academic year on a more solid footing. Further news in Spring.

Open Door Project Special Meeting
15th January 2017
Bennochy Church

Update: This meeting has been postponed to a later date.

Due to members of the Open Door team wishing to stand down, it is time to look at where the project is going in the future, and in particular, to gauge what support there is for the project amongst the congregation.

To this end, there will be an open meeting, where we will share how the project has developed up to now, the work that Louisa, our development worker is doing, and how we need not just general support but new leadership and Open Door team members to make the Open Door project sustainable.

The meeting is on Monday 23rd January in the St Andrews hall, beginning with tea and coffee at 7.30 pm and finishing no later than 9 pm. Please come along to support this vital area of outreach to our community.

Constitution Change Proposal
8th January 2017
Bennochy Church

The Trustees of Bennochy church will be recommending to the congregation that we change constitution from the present Model Deed to Unitary.

Click here for notes on the change from Model Deed to Unitary

There will be a meeting of the congregation after the service on Sunday 5th February to vote on the proposal of the Trustees that we change the constitution of Bennochy Church.

Bruce Davies Concert
3rd January 2017
Bruce Davies

Bruce Davies will be in concert on Saturday 21st January at 7.30pm in the Church. This will be a Scottish themed night with 'a wee taste of Burns' and some haggis 'n' neeps. Tickets are now available priced at £8 via 07786929881.

Click here to read news from 2016 ...