Let us no bide awa' frae the Kirk

Bennochy Parish Church Archive News 2022

Christmas Services
3rd December 2022
Christmas Services

The following services will be held during the Advent season:

  • Sunday 4th December - Toy Service led by the Sunday School. The Salvation Army, who will be attending our Toy Service, have asked if consideration could be given to 11 years and upwards for gift donations please. This will also be Christmas Jumper Day and will be the last day for the Sunday School this year.

  • Sunday 18th December - Service of Carols and Readings.

  • Saturday 24th December - Watchnight Service will begin at 7pm and will be led by Mrs Nancy Gilmartin.

  • Sunday 25th December - Christmas Day Service will begin at 11am and will be led by Mrs Nancy Gilmartin and the Worship Group. All are very welcome.

Toy Sorting
3rd December 2022
Toy Sorting

The Salvation Army in Hayfield Road are looking for people to help sort toys into age-groups on Monday 5th December 12noon – 2pm at a warehouse in Dysart.

They are also looking for help to make up parcels on:

  • Monday 12th Dec (10am – 2pm)
  • Tuesday 13th Dec (10am – 2pm)
  • Wednesday 14th Dec (10am – 2pm)

If you are able to assist can you contact Councillor Judy Hamilton via email on Cllr.Judy.Hamilton@fife.gov.uk.

Christmas Afternoon Tea
3rd December 2022
Christmas Afternoon Tea

Last year the Kirk Session held a Christmas Afternoon Tea at Betty Nicols Bar & Bistro, which was enjoyed by all who attended. There are limited places available for this year’s Tea if any member would like to come along and join in the fun. The date is Wednesday 14th December at 2.00pm. The cost is £17.95 per person and will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Anyone who is interested should contact George Drummond, Session Clerk.

Toy Service
19th November 2022
Toy Service

Our Toy Service this year is on Sunday 4th December and will be led by the Sunday School. The Salvation Army, who will be attending our Toy Service, have asked if consideration could be given to 11 years and upwards for gift donations please.

We are also advised not to wrap the gift, but wrapping paper and labels would be welcome along with donated gifts as this would allow the parents to wrap their own gifts. Thank you all in advance for making Christmas special to those who struggle at this time.

This will also be Christmas Jumper Day and will be the last day for the Sunday School this year.

Walk Through the Bible
15th November 2022
Kirkcaldy Area Reachout Trust

Please join us on Sunday 20th November to celebrate the work of 'Walk Through the Bible' in our local schools.

Come and celebrate the work of 'Walk Through the Bible' within Fife. Our time together will be inspiring and informative as you will have the opportunity to see some of our instructors in action. What does the future hold for 'Walk Through the Bible' in Fife? Join our vision as we get excited about sharing the Bible.

With more Fife schools opening their doors to this work, we are keep to recruit new trainees.

The venue is Newcraigs Evangelical Church in Forres Drive on Sunday 20th November from 6pm to 7pm. To help us be aware of numbers and aid our night together please do confirm your attendance. You can contact Chris Beattie at chrisb@kart.me.uk or on 07746373860

Be inspired, informed and encouraged!

Christmas Coffee Morning
12th November 2022
Christmas Coffee Morning

On Saturday 19th November we are having a Christmas Coffee Morning. There will be no cake and candy or other stalls but, instead, gifts of toiletries for adults would be appreciated. These will complement the toys which will be donated at our Toy Service and will ensure that the parents are not forgotten when the children get their toys.

North Primary School - Winter Market: Over the past few years a number of our congregation have attended the Winter Market to lend some assistance on the day. We have been invited again this year and we are looking for 5 people to attend and help the staff and pupils on the day. It is being held on Saturday 26th November. If you feel you can help, please call or e-mail George Drummond. His contact details are below

Olive Branch Café Christmas Lunch
9th November 2022
The Olive Branch Café

Tickets for the Olive Branch Café Christmas lunch on 8th December are now on sale at £15 – available from the Café (ask for Aileen). This has become a popular annual event, so please don’t delay to avoid disappointment!

Local Artist exhibiting at Café
9th November 2022
The Olive Branch Café
Seal in the Swirl

Local Artist Gabi Paterson will again be exhibiting examples of her latest work at the Café on Thursday 17th November.

Included will be acrylic paintings of sea birds and scenes as well as cards, coasters and small collages made from gathered sea glass and pottery. There will also be a small raffle to raise funds for the Open Door Project.

Fife Festival of Music
5th November 2022
Fife Festival of Music

Fife Festival of Music are holding a Family Fun Day on Sunday 20th November from 12 noon till 4pm in Kirkcaldy High School - mini workshops, face painting, singing games etc + performances by Dysart Colliery Silver Band Ensemble and Aberdour Flutes.

Admission free but under 12s must be accompanied by an adult. There will be a Tea Bar and FFoM Shop.

Update Regarding the Appointment of our Interim Moderator
5th November 2022
Bennochy Church

The Vacancy Procedure Committee (VPC) committee met last week.

The Mission Planning Process has resulted in an abnormally large number of vacant charges in presbytery and have been struggling to find Interim Moderators. However, they have now managed to find at least short term arrangements for every charge and there is also training next month for people to be trained up to be Interim Moderators. The hope is that those who complete the training will be able to shadow existing Interim Moderators before taking over in suitable charges.

The VPC has (for the time being) appointed Rev David Coulter to be the Interim Moderator of Kirkcaldy:Bennochy, effective immediately. This appointment will be reported to the next presbytery meeting.

David is Presbytery Clerk and his appointment as Interim Moderator is unusual, but not unprecedented. He may well seek assistance in fulfilling this role and the appointment may only be for a relatively short time. I have made contact with David and will meet him over the next few days at Bennochy.

For the time being, the main role of the Interim Moderator is to ensure that they, or someone else, is available to moderate Kirk Session meetings and to provide support for the Kirk Session and congregation.

We will keep you posted with any additional information received.

Songs of Praise in Fife
1st November 2022
Dementia Friendly Fife Project

Songs of Praise this week (Sunday 6th November 12:25pm-1:00pm BBC One) is from Fife where Katherine Jenkins visits Dunfermline Abbey and Sean Fletcher talks to former PM Gordon Brown about the importance of supporting families in need.

Louisa, our former Development Worker, will be featured. She was involved with the planning and filming of a small section of the programme and the Dementia Friendly Fife Project will be featured. This project and the project lead Ruth McCabe was one of Bennochy’s community partners.

Some people connected with Bennochy have in the past knitted small purple hippos for this project, they will be able to hear all about how the hippos were valued and distributed. More hippos are always needed, to ensure that each primary school child who undertakes the dementia friends course receives one as a reminder of the valuable learning they received about dementia.

Poppy Scotland Collection
31st October 2022
Poppy Scotland

At the service on 13th November there will be a collection plate at the door dedicated to the Poppy Appeal. This will allow any donations to be given as you arrive into Church.

Update: The total raised from the Poppy Appeal on Sunday was £250.80 and this has been sent on to Poppy Scotland. Thanks to all who donated.

Christmas Fayre's
15th October 2022
Christmas Fayre's

We have news of some Christmas Fayre's being held this month:

Christmas Craft Fayre - The Salvation Army is holding a Craft Fayre on Saturday 29th October from 10am - 2pm, at Kirkcaldy Salvation Army Community Church, Hayfield Rd, selling handmade crafts and Christmas items. Phone: 01592 265621. Their café will be open throughout for teas, coffees & home baking + soup and sandwiches. All are welcome.

Health and Wellbeing Fayre - Dalgety Bay Parish Church are holding a Health and Wellbeing Fayre on Saturday 29th October 10am - 1pm.

Robin’s Retirement Lunch
9th October 2022
Robin’s Retirement Lunch

As you are aware our Minister retires at the end of October. To celebrate his time with us we have arranged a lunch after the service on 23rd October which will be his last service.

There are a few tickets still available at a cost of £7 each. If you would like to attend tickets are available from Dianne Waddell, Nancy Gilmartin or Isobel Neilson.

Harvest Service
15th September 2022

Our Harvest thanksgiving service takes place on Sunday 2nd October. We hope to have Jenny Featherston once again on the big screen, from Zambia.

We will take a retiring offering again for Jenny. In her recent message she gives us an Update on the Family we have supported from last year and an idea for our 2022 appeal.

Money can be donated in cash on Sundays 2nd and 9th of October, or direct to Jenny by bank transfer.

Update: The final total collected over Harvest to support Jenny Featherstone’s work in Zambia was £433.50 – a generous amount which will go a long way towards helping her ‘Alcohol & drug rehabilitation’ project in Choma. Thanks to all who contributed.

Queen's Funeral Open Church
11th September 2022
Queen's Funeral Open Church

Bennochy Church will be open on the following dates so members of the community can view the Queen's Funeral services which we will be showing on the large TV screen.

  • Monday 12th September from 2.15pm. The Queen's coffin will travel by procession to St Giles' Cathedral, accompanied by the King and members of the Royal Family

  • Monday 19th September from 11am. This showing has been cancelled

  • St. Bryce Kirk will be open for reflective prayer from 9am to 3pm each day between Monday 12th to Thursday 15th September

KART Kiltwalk
9th September 2022
Kirkcaldy Area Reachout Trust

Last year our supporters raised a whopping £3,477 for KART by taking part in the Virtual Kilt Walk here in Fife! This year the Virtual Kilt Walk is going to be the Real Kiltwalk in Edinburgh.

Maureen will be taking part in the Kiltwalk in Edinburgh on Sunday 18th September. She is doing the BIG STROLL which is around 13 miles and all money raised will go to Kirkcaldy Area Reachout Trust. Please could you sponsor her on behalf of KART?

Every single penny raised for KART, will be topped up by a HUGE 50% (thanks to the generosity of Sir Tom Hunter and The Hunter Foundation). That means if we raise £100 for KART, we will receive £150!

To sponsor Maureen, you can donate here: Maureen Kiltwalk.

Maybe you're a keen walker and would like to take part too?

The options on the 18th September are:

  • Mighty Stride 8:30AM/9AM - 24 miles (av. 6 hours)
  • Big Stroll 10:30AM/11AM - 13 miles (av. 4 hours)
  • Wee Wander 12PM/12:30PM - 4 miles (av. 2 hours)

Please click Edinburgh Kiltwalk to register and name Kirkcaldy Area Reachout Trust as your chosen charity.

Robins' Contact Details
9th September 2022
Robins' Contact Details

From 10th September until my leaving at the end of October, people can contact me as follows.

This information is no longer valid.

Joint Church Services
9th September 2022
Kirkcaldy Town Centre Churches

Bennochy Church has agreed joint monthly services until the union of the four town centre churches, up to the end of the year, these will be on the last Sunday of the month as follows:

  • 25th September - Linktown Church
  • 30th October - Abbotshall Church
  • 27th November - St Bryce Kirk

All services start at 11am.

St. Bryce Kirk Friendship Club
20th August 2022
St. Bryce Kirk Bible Study Group

St. Bryce Kirk runs a Friendship Club who are always happy to see new visitors.

It restarts on Tuesday 20th September at 1.30pm and offers a selection of table games.

Thereafter the first and third Tuesdays of each month.

Come and join us for fun, a blether and a cuppa. All very welcome.

St. Bryce Kirk Bible Study Group
13th August 2022
St. Bryce Kirk Bible Study Group

St. Bryce Kirk Bible Study Group would like to invite any of our congregation who might be interested, to join them.

The Group meets on a Wednesday at 10 am and starts after a short chat/catch-up of about 10 minutes. Although it starts informally this week they intend to wait until 17th August before thinking about their next topic so that any new folk can be involved in the discussion and decision.

They used to read "round the group" - if folk wanted to. Now they use a CD of David Suchet reading from the NIV. It means the Word is read with beautiful, clear pronunciation, emphasis and pace; and they can go back and repeat bits at will.

Topics have included :- whole books, Individual characters, and specific themes (the parables, journeys, women in the Bible, Advent, Lent etc.) The topic is decided by the group.

Folk contribute as much or as little as they wish and they emphasize that "what is said in the Group, stays in the group".

Some folk manage every week, others when they can and George tries to provide notes for the bits people miss. They usually finish about 11.30.

They have over the years had people from at least 7 different congregations and 4 or 5 denominations (or none!) - usually more men than women; for a time the number attending was in the mid-teens but Covid caused that to decrease to 6 - 9 !

Anyone wishing to know more can contact George Luke.

They are relaxed, occasionally very light hearted but always striving to learn more about their faith, the Bible and of course themselves.

New Office Phone Number
13th August 2022
New Office Phone Number

The Church now has a new mobile telephone number to replace the current landline - 07483 162346.

This number will put you through to the Church secretary rather than the office, which is largely unmanned, and this will hopefully enable calls to be dealt with more quickly and easily. (N.B. The landline will remain active for broadband purposes but please do not use unless absolutely necessary).

Christian Aid Update
13th August 2022
Christian Aid Christmas Appeal

A big thank you to everyone who contributed to our Christian Aid appeal 2022. The amazing total raised was £889

Thank you for your generosity, and for supporting the work of Christian Aid around the world.

Developer Worker Update
28th July 2022
Bennochy Church

After seven years in post, our development worker, Louisa Turner, has decided to move on from Bennochy church. Louisa’s last day with us will be 31st July 2022.

On behalf of the Kirk Session and congregation of Bennochy church, I have already sent Louisa a letter of thanks. In that letter I said,

A lot has happened in that time, and much would not have been achieved without your hard work and dedication. You have raised the profile of Bennochy church in the community. Networked with an amazing number of organisations, groups, and statutory agencies. We have worked together in the local primary schools. You have supported the Open-Door team, and you have shared the joys and sorrows of many of our parishioners and members of the community. For all of that, and much more. A big thank you.

Louisa will be greatly missed in the life of our congregation, and we wish her all God's blessing in the future.

To give the congregation the opportunity to say goodbye, I have invited Louisa to attend worship at Bennochy on Sunday 21st August.

Joint Summer Services
18th June 2022
Joint Summer Services

This year we are again rotating services in July around the Kirkcaldy Town Centre Churches as follows:

  • 10th July - Abbotshall Church
  • 17th July - Bennochy Church
  • 24th July - St Bryce Kirk
  • 31st July - Linktown Church

All services start at 11am. Some services may also be available online so please check our website nearer each date.

Queen's Platinum Jubilee
31st May 2022
Queen's Platinum Jubilee

We are all getting excited for this coming Thursday in the Olive Branch Cafe. An afternoon full of celebration in commemoration of the Queen's reign. Those present at the afternoon tea will not only hear wonderful music, receive a handmade gift but will also be able to see history blankets made by Balwearie High School pupils.

It will be an afternoon to remember, created by the community for the community.

We have a sneak preview of the special booklet created for our Queen's Platinum Jubilee Celebration which will be available at our Afternoon Tea on Thursday.

Coffee, Book and Chat
9th May 2022
Coffee, Book and Chat via Zoom

Robin will be hosting the next Coffee, Book & Chat via Zoom on Wednesday 8th June starting at 10am - Just bring your own coffee and chat!

Bereavement Service 2022
7th May 2022
Bennochy Church

On Sunday afternoon, 12th June, we are planning a remembrance service for those who have lost loved ones over the past couple of years. It will be open to everyone, but specific invites will go out to the family and friends of those whose funeral services Robin has conducted. The service will be at 3pm.

Christian Aid Week
28th April 2022

Bennochy Church has always been generous in its giving to Christian Aid. This Christian Aid week please support its work as it is unjust that drought is driving people into hunger.

As we did last year we have set up a Bennochy 'e' envelope, for people to donate to the work of Christian Aid. If you wish to support their work, please hit the 'donate' button below and choose your amount. It also has the option to share the page with others.

If appropriate, please do not forget to Gift Aid your amount. Please be generous and thank you for supporting the work of Christian Aid.

Robin has set up a this donation page which you can visit by clicking the image below:

Click to donate to Christian Aid

If you are not able to donate in this way but would still like to contribute to the valuable work of Christian Aid please speak to your elder or any office bearer to make an alternative arrangement. There will also be an opportunity to donate on Christian Aid Sunday, 15th May.

Update: We have exceeded our Christian Aid target and have now raised £989.58 (including all donations). Thank you so much for supporting this campaign and helping people in hunger.

Covid Restrictions Update
15th April 2022
Bennochy Church

The Kirk Session met recently to discuss the recent change to COVID restrictions relating to the Scottish Government’s decision to allow the removal of face coverings in places of worship and the advice from the Church of Scotland to encourage best practice for a period of time.

The decision made by the Kirk Session is to:

  • Retain social distancing by using every second pew
  • Encourage people to continue wearing masks on entry until seated (where they can be removed), and again when leaving the building (not mandatory)
  • Encourage people to put masks on while singing (not mandatory)
  • Review these proposals week beginning 2nd May.

Whilst the wearing of face coverings is not mandatory we would ask that you support the decision made by the Kirk Session please.

Stations of the Cross
4th April 2022
Stations of the Cross

There is a very old practice of creating Stations of the Cross which enable reflection on the final hours of Jesus’ life. There are 14 stations, each marking a different moment along the way which led to Jesus’ death. This year, on Good Friday, there will be Stations of the Cross set up in the grounds of Abbotshall and in Abbotshall Church from 12-3pm.

You are invited to come and journey through these stations. They are very visual – with words, meditation, artwork which can be pondered on and engaged with. You are invited to spend time with all of them, or some of them. To spend a lot of time, or just a little. To engage with it in the way which is most helpful for you.

For more information, please contact Trudi Newton at TNewton@churchofscotland.org.uk

Walk through the Bible
22nd March 2022
Kirkcaldy Area Reachout Trust

On Saturday 28th May, KART are hosting a 'Walk through the Bible' adult event at Newcraigs Evangelical Church.

The whole day will be full of engagement and fun whilst looking at the timeline of the New Testament (you do not have to have attended the Old Testament Adult event to come along and enjoy this one).

In March 2019 over 50 people from the local Kirkcaldy churches attended the Old Testament version.

The speaker is Tom Greene who is coming all the way up from Essex to lead the event. Tom heads up the Adult programme for Walk through the Bible in the UK and brings a richness to the teachings.

Click NT Nutshell Kirkcaldy for booking details.

Holy Week Services
20th March 2022
Holy Week Services

Holy week services for 2022, all at 7pm, will be held at:

  • Bennochy - Monday 11th April (Cancelled)
  • St Bryce Kirk - Tuesday 12th April
  • Abbotshall - Wednesday 13th April
  • Linktown - Thursday 14th April
  • Auchtertool - Friday 15th April
  • Kirkcaldy Congregational - Friday 15th April

Easter Sunday service with Communion at Bennochy, 17th April, 11am

Queen's Platinum Jubilee
19th March 2022
Queen's Platinum Jubilee

Bennochy Parish Church will be celebrating with the nation on Thursday 2nd June 2022, from 2pm – 4.30pm, as we commemorate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

Tickets for the afternoon tea are now sold out but you can attend the tree planting and choir from 3.30pm without a ticket.

The event will consist of a traditional afternoon tea, with musical accompaniment from pupils of Balwearie High School, followed by tree planting in the garden before returning indoors to hear the Community Choir sing in the Sanctuary.

The organisers would be delighted if you would sport the red, white and blue colours in your attire. If you happen to have any treasures from previous royal occasions or even the Coronation itself, and wouldn’t mind sharing them for a display, please do let Louisa Turner, Development Worker – 07856 940177 know.

Part of the celebration will be spent in the church garden. We are appealing to those able bodied amongst us to meet in the garden on Tuesday 24th May at 10am, to help titivate the garden for our event the following week. If you would like to help but are unable to do so on that day/time, please speak to Louisa Turner, Development Worker.

Handbell Ringers Return
12th March 2022
Handbell Ringers

The Handbell Ringers resume on Tuesday 19th April each week until Tuesday 31st May. This is their first meeting since the start of the Covid pandemic.

New members always welcome. Please contact Margaret Simpson if interested.

Coffee, Book and Chat
9th March 2022
Coffee, Book and Chat via Zoom

Robin will be hosting the next Coffee, Book & Chat via Zoom on Wednesday 23rd March starting at 10am - Just bring your own coffee and chat!

The Knit & Natter Group
5th March 2022
The Olive Branch Café

A new knitting group has begun in the Café at 11am on Thursdays. The Knit & Natter group is open to everyone from beginners to those who have been knitting for years.

Bring your knitting and enjoy a cuppa and cake whilst having a natter. For more information please contact Louisa Turner, Development Worker, 07856 940177.

Lent Studies
24th February 2022
Lent Studies

Lent Studies will be via Zoom meetings this year and will take place on Thursday evenings from 7pm to 8.30pm during Lent. The dates are as follows:

  • Thursday 3rd March
  • Thursday 10th March
  • Thursday 17th March
  • Thursday 24th March
  • Thursday 31st March

We will be exploring God’s presence with us in the wilderness and will focus on Isaiah 40.

All are welcome – it would be great if you could make it!

There are also weekly Lent Thoughts during the season.

Please also read the Lent Devotional Materials for 2022.

Coffee, Book and Chat
24th February 2022
Coffee, Book and Chat via Zoom

Robin will be hosting the next Coffee, Book & Chat via Zoom on Wednesday 9th March starting at 10am - Just bring your own coffee and chat!

Coffee, Book and Chat
9th February 2022
Coffee, Book and Chat via Zoom

Robin will be hosting the next Coffee, Book & Chat via Zoom on Wednesday 9th March starting at 10am - Just bring your own coffee and chat!

Sad News from Zambia
7th February 2022

We have some sad news to report from Jenny in Zambia:

Very sadly Prisca was killed in a road accident last week. The money you donated  as a congregation paid for her funeral and related expenses such as food and transport. 

I also have paid for shoes, jerseys  books and uniforms for the 4 remaining  kids  (Sharon Gift Brian and Christopher, 2 boys and 2 girls) who are going to school. Sharon was living in Solwezi with the auntie that died and came down at the end of last year. They are also getting a monthly allowance for rent and towards food. 

I hadn't the heart to ask Grace how she is getting on with the hair styling tongs and brush we bought her for Christmas, but I will later as things settle down. 

Our thoughts and prayers are with Grace and the rest of the family at this time of sad loss, Robin.

Ready Steady Go!
3rd February 2022
Kirkcaldy Area Reachout Trust

On 16th February, Louisa Turner, Development Worker, will be assisting at the Scripture Union and KART Activity Day, which this year is to be held in Abbotshall Church halls. Primary aged children can enjoy a day of Bible stories, crafts, games, and lots of sport related activities based on the theme of Ready, Steady, Go. The Activity Day is free to the children though the children should bring along their own packed lunch. To register for a place visit the Booking Form.

Scripture Union regularly hold activity holidays for young people. These holidays come at a cost to the young people, unfortunately some families are unable to meet these costs, if more than one child would like to experience the fun and learning. Scripture Union have launched their annual appeal for financial donations to assist families with the financial burden of attending their holidays. Many adults volunteer their time and skills to enable the young people to experience being away from home in a Christian atmosphere of fun and sometimes personal transformation. For some children it maybe their own holiday that they experience.

Please pray and consider donating to help children from Kirkcaldy to attend a holiday. I am aware that one young person is being helped financially from an anonymous donor to attend a weekend break in February. We thank the Lord for enabling this to happen.

Some other related items:

Open Door Appeal
24th January 2022
Bennochy Church

As you will be aware, the Open-Door team was set up a number of years ago to engage more fully with the local community. With the help and support of church and community volunteers, we have developed a number of successful projects, including the Olive Branch Café which, unfortunately, have had to be curtailed during the pandemic.

However, as the situation gradually eases, we are looking for some volunteers with possibly new ideas to join us in helping revitalizing the projects, particularly our community café. We are keen to find members of the Session and wider congregation who may have the skills and/or are interested in taking up a new challenge to benefit our own church and the wider community.

There’s lots of untapped talent out there, can you think of anyone in your District who might be approached to learn more of what we do?

If you are able to assist or have someone in mind who may be interested, can you contact Alison hamilton on 01592 260834.

Coffee, Book and Chat
19th January 2022
Coffee, Book and Chat via Zoom

Robin will be hosting the next Coffee, Book & Chat via Zoom on Wednesday 9th February starting at 10am - Just bring your own coffee and chat!

New Courses for 2022
13th January 2022
Greener Kirkcaldy

Louisa has some interesting new courses and schemes to share that you may be interested in:

  • Community Food Team: Details of a Food Works! Course, starting on the 1st of February

  • Free Taster Sessions at The Yard - The Yard Fife in Kirkcaldy supports disabled children and young people, and their families, through adventure play. We offer creative and inclusive play experiences in a well-supported environment, with wraparound support for the whole family

  • Raith Rovers Keep Fit - Get Fitter, Healthier and Happier with FFIT - FFIT is a 13-week programme that can help you to improve both your physical health and mental wellbeing!

Christmas Firebreak Update
5th January 2022
Bennochy Church

Our Christmas 2021 Firebreak is now over and we will resume services on Sunday 9th January with the following restrictions:

  • Masks (except with an exemption)
  • 1 metre social distancing reintroduced in sanctuary (except people in same household)
  • Test and Trace reintroduced in sanctuary
  • No tea / coffee available (9th Jan only)

Click here to read news from 2021 ...