Let us no bide awa' frae the Kirk

Bennochy Parish Church Archive News 2023

Christmas Performance
3rd December 2023
Choir Christmas Show

The Bennochy Community Choir’s Friends and Family Christmas performance will take place on Monday 18th December at 6.30pm in the Church. Everyone is very welcome and light refreshments will be served after the event. It would be very helpful for our catering, if those attending could let a choir member know in advance.

This is a free event but there will be the opportunity to donate to charity on the night. We look forward to seeing you.

Advent Study Handouts
27th November 2023
Advent Study Handouts

As a build up to Advent, our Interim Moderator, Adriaan van Tonder held three Advent study sessions which were enjoyed by all who attended.

The handouts are now available below to allow you to follow the story which opened up some interesting thoughts and discussions.

An unlikely Advent - The extraordinary people of the Christmas - Short series based on the book by Rachel Billups:

Christmas Services
26th November 2023
Christmas Services

The following services will be held during the Advent season:

  • Sunday December 3 - Toy Service & Christmas Jumper Day at Bennochy, 11am

  • Sunday December 10 - Service at Bennochy, 11am.

  • Sunday December 17 - Service at Bennochy. Carols and Readings from The Worship Group. Please wear Christmas Jumpers! The Sunday School will be participating in the service, and this will be followed by a short Christmas party with a special guest. They will be on holiday on 24th & 31st December, starting back on 7th January.

  • Sunday 24th December - Service at Bennochy, 11am.

  • Sunday 24th December - Joint service at St Bryce Kirk, 7pm – Carols by Candlelight.

  • Sunday 24th December - Watchnight Service at Linktown Church, 11.15pm.

  • Sunday 31st December - Joint Service at St Bryce, 11am.

Kirkcaldy YMCA Talking Cafe
6th November 2023
Kirkcaldy YMCA Talking Cafe

Kirkcaldy YMCA have a new Talking Cafe where you can get out of the house for a bit, drop in for a cuppa, get a bite to eat, or have a chat.

Talking Cafe is a relaxing opportunity to meet new people, get support, ask for advice, and get information from knowledgeable community members and YMCA staff. There are plenty of opportunities to be arty-crafty and even pick up some free sanitary/hygiene products.

The cafe is available at both their Hendry Crescent (Fridays at 10am) or Gallatown (Tuesdays at 1pm) Hubs and caters for younger people aged 16 to 25.

Social Team
5th November 2023
Social Team

There is a plan to have a Social Team which will organise events over the next year to bring members of the town centre together. If you would like to be part of this team, please let the Session Clerk know. Ideally we would like two or three people from each congregation.

The first event is a Carols and a Pint sing-a-long in the Duchess pub in Kirkcaldy on 13th December at 7.30 pm with Richard Michael. All are welcome: just come along on the night!

Bennochy Advent Fellowship
5th November 2023
Bennochy Advent Fellowship

Everyone is invited to three fellowship opportunities with our Interim Moderator, Rev. Adriaan van Tonder. The focus will be on fellowship, of course, but there will also be time to reflect on the stories of the extraordinary people of the Christmas story.

The dates are 9th, 16th and 23rd November. 09:45-11:00. The meeting will be held in the St Andrew’s Hall. Refreshments will be available.

Coffee Morning
4th November 2023
Coffee Morning

There will be a coffee morning on Saturday 18th November from 10am – 12 noon. Entry is £2 for tea/coffee and mince pies and biscuits. Following the success of last year’s event we are once again inviting people to bring along a small gift of toiletries or similar, which will also be distributed by the Salvation Army, this time to the parents. These gifts were greatly appreciated last year.

Update: Our coffee morning was well attended despite the weather, and produced an impressive array of gifts and toiletries, as well as providing funds for the church and a donation to the Salvation Army. These gifts have now been delivered to the Salvation Army for distribution to the parents of local children. Thanks to all who attended and donated. The following letter was received from the Salvation Army:

I wanted to take the time to say thank you to all of the donors and helpers of Bennochy Church for the donation of the toiletries. They are very much appreciated and will be utilised within our Christmas Toy Appeal whereby we gift parcels to vulnerable families and individuals. Often parents miss out of receiving a parcel, this donation will make a huge difference and we are most grateful for your generosity.
With kind regards
Michelle Guy

Toy Service
7th October 2023
Toy Service

Our Toy Service is on Sunday 3rd December, when a member of the Salvation Army will be present to receive our gifts for needy children and youngsters in the district. These should be left unwrapped please.

Interim Ministry Update
7th October 2023
Kirkcaldy Town Centre Churches

Following the decision that Presbytery is to review the categorisation of Linktown Church, this obviously impacts on all four congregations and buildings leaving us with a little uncertainty at the present time.

As it begins its review, I arranged for representatives from presbytery to attend the meeting of The Strategy Team last Monday. They listened to comments and concerns along with a number of questions about the process and future. They were honest in that they do not have the answers at the moment, but assured us that all these issues will inform their discussions and decisions.

Currently Presbytery are consulting with the General Trustees, the national Mission Plan Implementation Group, and the Principal Clerk in order to ensure proper process. This is uncharted water as such a review has not been undertaken previously. Meanwhile, your Strategy Team, working groups, elders, and myself remain committed to doing what we can do in our journey towards union.

Stewart McPherson,
Interim Minister.

Presbytery Mission Plan Replan
16th September 2023
Kirkcaldy Town Centre Churches

News was finally received this week from the Presbytery Plan Review Panel that the questions raised by Linktown Church around the process on the decision to close that building was upheld.

"The Panel’s decision is to uphold the request for review on the basis that there has been a material irregularity of process. This means that the Presbytery should now reconsider the matter of building categorisation."

This means that conversations are currently underway regarding the next steps in the process and is in the hands of the Presbytery Plan Implementation Team. Your Session Clerk will keep you updated while, in the meantime, I will seek to continue to move things forward as we can.

Stewart McPherson,
Interim Minister.

Harvest Service
9th September 2023

Our Harvest Service this year will be the joint service at Abbotshall on Sunday 24th September where we will be supporting the Foodbank.

Money donations would be very welcome as well as the list of items below.

The following donations would be welcome:

  • For children - Diluting juice, Cereal, Treats- crisps, a sweetie
  • Toiletries - shower gel, shampoo etc
  • Soup - tins and packets
  • Tinned meat, fruit, fish, custard
  • Biscuits - ones for a treat

Shoe Box Appeal 2023
2nd September 2023
Blythswood Care

Shoe boxes are now available for the 2023 appeal. If you wish to fill a box there are leaflets inside detailing what is required and what is banned.

We are also doing ten boxes for elderly women and ten boxes for teen boys – these are the groups that are seldom supported. If you wish to provide items for these boxes by making a donation, we would be most grateful.

There are envelopes marked Blythswood Care available at church. Please put your donation in an envelope, seal it and return it to church.

Thank you in advance. Mary Stark

Shoe Boxes should be returned by 22nd October.

Update: Our shoeboxes have now been delivered to Blythswood Care for delivery to needy children and our service this morning includes a dedication. Thanks to all who filled a box or who contributed in any way. A very big thank you also to Mary and her helpers for all their hard work covering the boxes and filling extra ones.

Dunnikier Park Walk
20th August 2023
Womens Group

Members of the Women's Group are having an evening walk around Dunnikier Park on Tuesday 22nd August.

Please meet at the Church gate on Elgin Street at 6.30pm. Ladies who are not joining the walkers, please meet in the Elgin Hall at 7.30 pm.

The Group will be celebrating their 53rd anniversary on 5th September at 7.30pm in the Elgin Hall. Members are asked to look out photos and memorabilia. New members welcome.

New Interim Moderator
23rd July 2023
Adriaan van Tonder

Bennochy Kirk Session are delighted to announce the appointment of our new Interim Moderator, Adriaan van Tonder, who is Assistant Minister at St. Columba’s, Glenrothes.

Adriaan originates from South Africa where he ministered for a number of years before moving to Scotland, where he has now completed his Church of Scotland familiarisation working alongside the Rev Alan Kimmitt, Minister of St. Columba’s and Deputy Presbytery Clerk.

Adriaan is married with two young boys, aged 3 and 3 weeks old, and is looking forward to working with the Kirk Session during our vacancy. He will be attending worship on Sunday 6th August when he will be introduced to our members.

Visioning Day
23rd July 2023
Kirkcaldy Town Centre Churches

You are invited to join our Town Centre Churches Visioning Day where you are encouraged to share your ideas to help shape the future ministry and mission of our new combined congregations when formed.

This conference will be held in Pathhead Church Hall on Saturday 12th August from 9.30am finishing with a light lunch at 12.15pm. If you are able to attend can you let your Session Clerk know for catering purposes.

The Ordination Service for Trudi Newton, Associate Minister for the Kirkcaldy Cluster Group and Locum for St Bryce Kirk will be held in St. Bryce Kirk on Thursday 24th August. Further details to follow.

Summer Joint Services
3rd June 2023
Summer Joint Services

This summer a series of joint services will be held as follows (all at 11am).

  • 2nd July - Joint service in St Bryce Kirk
  • 9th July - Joint service in Abbotshall Church
  • 16th July - Joint service in Linktown Church
  • 23rd July - Joint service in Bennochy Church
  • 30th July - Joint service in the Congregational Church

Update on the Union of the Town Centre Churches
14th May 2023
Kirkcaldy Town Centre Churches

The Strategy Group formed from the four churches is continuing to work towards creating a Basis of Union, and the three teams dealing with Finance, Property and Transition are starting to work together. We are very glad to have our Interim Minister, Rev Stewart McPherson, in place to help us with our negotiations and look forward to benefitting from his expertise in the coming months.

After the summer, all four congregations will be asked to help decide on a name for the new United Church. This will take the form of a competition with everyone encouraged to take part and either suggest a name or, in time, to vote for their preferred name from a list. So, get your thinking caps on and try to come up with some suggestions which will reflect the essence of our new venture.

Community Choir Concert
14th May 2023
Community Choir

Bennochy Community Choir would like to invite members of the congregation and friends to our end of session performance on Monday 5th June at 6.30pm in the Sanctuary.

It will be followed by (very!) light refreshments and so we would ask those planning to attend to sign the form in the Methven hall after church or speak to a choir member.

It is free entry but we would be grateful for any donations to our charities. Please come along and support our enthusiastic group of singers!

Interim Minister Service of Introduction
22nd April 2023
Kirkcaldy Town Centre Churches

As you are aware, the Kirk Sessions of Bennochy, St.Bryce, Abbotshall and Linktown recently agreed on the introduction of an Interim Minister to guide us through our forthcoming Union.

We are pleased to announce the appointment of the Reverend Stewart McPherson as the new Interim Minister for the Kirkcaldy Town Churches with effect 1st May 2023.

To that end the Presbytery wish to invite the members of Kirkcaldy Town Churches to a Service of Introduction for Stewart on the evening of Wednesday 3rd May 2023 at 7pm, to be held at Abbotshall Church.

There will be a small reception after the service where refreshments will be served.

There is a request for some volunteers to help out with the reception. If you are able can you advise George Drummond, Session Clerk.

Please attend if you are able as a good representation from each of the churches is essential.

The DUPLO Club
17th April 2023
The DUPLO Club

A new group for little people 1.5 - 4yrs old and their adults is in the pipeline.

The DUPLO club would run on Mondays 3pm - 4.30pm in the St Andrews Hall, Bennochy Church, starting in June.

The hope is that volunteers from all four Town Centre churches would come together to provide a low cost facility for play, snacks, song and prayer for children, and a social time for their parents/grandparents and carers. The intention is to run throughout most school holidays so that adults can depend on the support of a group that stays open.

You can help.

Do you or your families have any DUPLO at home that the children have grown out of? We are going to need an awful lot of DUPLO so would appreciate donations no matter how few pieces. (must be genuine DUPLO, not smaller LEGO pieces – choke risk).

And of course, volunteers to facilitate the club, even on a rota basis, would be welcomed with open arms!

For more info or to donate, please contact Dianne Waddell tickiewife@hotmail.com or text 07980367632.

This is a locally organised club, not sponsored by the LEGO® Group.

Interim Minister Information
2nd April 2023
Kirkcaldy Town Centre Churches

All four Town Centre Kirk Sessions were invited to attend a presentation by Daran Golby (Ministries Development Manager) and Sandra Black (Interim Minister) on Wednesday 1 March. After time to consider the information given, the Kirk Sessions had to agree whether this was the best way forward.

Interim Ministers are appointed, where there is a vacant charge, on a short-term basis (usually 12-18 months). They have specialist skills and have been specifically trained for the role. They offer leadership and focus to deliver change which will help us move forward.

They are a resource of the central church, paid for through our Ministry and Mission contributions. If they do not, or chose not to, live locally travel expenses would be paid by the congregations.

An Interim Minister would be invested in us and work with us, looking at where we are now and moving forward. They would have 3 core tasks - look at the past, reassess the present i.e. looking at what resources we have and plan for the future. Through discussions with all four churches, working with Kirk Sessions and consulting with congregations, they would help us decide what Team Ministry in Kirkcaldy Town Centre looks like and also moving towards a Basis of Union.

An Interim Minister would take part in Sunday worship and carry out some Pastoral Care work.

There is an Interim Minister available and they could be in post at the end of April. They would be supported by a Transition Support Group to check aims and objectives are being met.

The four Kirk Sessions have agreed that the appointment of an Interim Minister is right for our churches. They will help us plan for and guide us through the many changes ahead.

Holy Week Services
19th March 2023
Holy Week Services

Holy week services for 2023, all at 7pm, will be held at:

  • Congregational Church - Monday 3rd April
  • Bennochy Church - Tuesday 4th April
  • St. Bryce Kirk - Wednesday 5th April
  • Abbotshall Church - Thursday 6th April
  • Congregational Church - Friday 7th April (2.30pm)
  • Linktown Church - Friday 7th April

Easter Sunday service at Bennochy, 9th April, 11am

Bunny Drive
18th March 2023
Bunny Drive

The Women’s Group Bunny Drive will be on Tuesday 18th April at 6.30pm in the Methven Hall. Tickets, £4 adults and £2 children, are available from Group members. Enjoy a fun night with a light supper and prizes.

Update: The Bunny Drive raised a total of £387.40. Thanks to everyone who contributed in any way.

Interim Minister
18th March 2023
Kirkcaldy Town Centre Churches

The Kirk Session met recently to discuss the appointment of an Interim Minister who is to be shared with St.Bryce, Abbotshall and Linktown as part of the process for a basis of union to be agreed.

There will be a brief presentation after the Service on Sunday 2nd April when all congregation members are invited to share the findings of the Session and the next steps.

Please attend this meeting if you are able.

Spring Craft Fayre
4th March 2023
Spring Fayre

The Spring Craft Fayre stall holders have now been confirmed and will comprise Knitted/Crochet items, Cards, Body Shop, Pots and Canvas paintings, Cushions and Bits, Frames and Gifts, Baking/Crafts, Jewellery, Scentsy Candles, Sweet Bouquets, Macrame, Resin Art plus much more!!

Tea and Coffee will also be available and the Fayre will be open on Saturday 11th March from 11am to 2pm.

Earthquake Appeal
18th February 2023
Earthquake Appeal

The Moderator of the Church of Scotland has asked that if people wish to donate to do it online to the Christian Aid Earthquake Appeal and by doing so it will allow individuals to pay by Gift Aid.

However if you are not able to do so we at Bennochy Church will accept the donation and forward to the appeal on your behalf. Unfortunately we are unable to claim Gift Aid if the donation is made via the Church.

There will be a separate offering plate in the vestibule over the next few weeks.

Kirkcaldy Town Centre Churches Presentation
11th February 2023
Kirkcaldy Town Centre Churches

Further to the recent announcement where it was intimated that the four Town Centre Churches will be forming a Union, there is a Presentation to be held at Linktown Church on Wednesday 1st March at 7.30pm where all members of each church are invited.

This Presentation is to explore the introduction of Interim Ministry to serve the four Churches during the planning process and it is vital that our members receive first hand information on this position if adopted.

Further to this intimation regarding the Interim Minister presentation at Linktown Church on Wednesday 1st March, it has been decided that the presentation will initially be limited to the Strategy Planning Group and Kirk Sessions only. The invitation will be extended to members of the congregations at a later dated (to be advised).

Bennochy Community Choir Triumphs!
6th February 2023
Community Choir

The Bennochy Community Choir was one of eleven choirs and choral groups from across and outwith Fife to take part in the Community Choirs class at the recent Fife Festival of Music held recently in St Bryce Kirk, Kirkcaldy. With the current closure of the Adam Smith Theatre, St Bryce has become the Festival’s hub and performing venue.

The main church gives a wonderful acoustic and visual opportunity to singers and listeners and Bennochy’s appearance and performance on stage was given a rapturous reception by audience and other choirs alike.

The adjudicator Stephen Cowan praised the choir for their smiles, their singing – and for working without music in front of them. All members of the choir were delighted to be part of the event and to be able to hear so many other choirs of varying size and style and many members have commented on the positive and enjoyable experience of taking part in the Festival and being part of the family of Bennochy Community Choir.

Bennochy Community Choir is part of Bennochy Church’s outreach programme and meets at the Church on Mondays from 6.30 – 8pm. The Choir is led by Ella Wilson with accompanist Graeme Wilson.

Spring Craft Fayre
11th January 2023
Spring Fayre

Stall holders wanted for Spring Craft Fayre.

We will be holding a Spring Fayre on Saturday 11th March from 11am – 2pm.

Are you a crafter, baker, or a candlestick maker?
We are looking for talented individuals to come along to show and sell your creations.

Tables are available for £15 each.

For information and booking please contact:

Update: All stalls have now been booked. Thanks to all who got in touch to support this event.

Joint Church Services
1st January 2023
Kirkcaldy Town Centre Churches

Bennochy Church has agreed joint monthly services until the union of the four town centre churches, these will be on the last Sunday of the month as follows:

  • 29th January - Bennochy Church
  • 26th February - Linktown Church
  • 26th March - Abbotshall Church
  • 30th April - St Bryce Kirk
  • 28th May - Bennochy Church
  • 25th June - Linktown Church
  • See news page for July services
  • 27th August - St Bryce Kirk
  • 24th September - Abbotshall Church
  • 29th October - Linktown Church
  • 26th November - Bennochy Church
  • 31st December - St Bryce Kirk

All services start at 11am.

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