Bennochy Parish Church

Bennochy - Latest News

Langtoun Young Church Roadshow
22nd December 2024
Kirkcaldy Town Centre Churches

During the month of January, and as part of the planned joint services, there will be a Young Church Roadshow held at each of the four Town Centre Churches which will commence after the all age talk during the service and include; Story time, Prayer Time, Arts and crafts, puzzles etc.

Dates; Abbotshall 5/1, Bennochy 12/1, St.Bryce 19/1, Linktown 26/1

The January Blues
1st December 2024
The January Blues

During the month of January, the Methven Hall will be open for two hours, three days a week as a 'warm space' for anyone who would like some social contact, play boardgames/jigsaws or just relax with a hot drink or a bowl of hot soup. There will be some background light jazz/blues but we hope people might like to bring along their own instrument (not electric or mics however) and play to a small audience.

Cosy knitted blankets and wheatbags will be available. We want to warm you Inside and Out.

There will be a warm welcome for you on:

  • Sundays 1pm - 3pm starting on 5th January
  • Mondays 11.15am - 1.15pm
  • Thursdays 3pm- 5pm

These events are free.

More information from Dianne on 07980 367632.

Bennochy Parish Church