A warm welcome awaits you at Bennochy Parish Church

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Floral Cross for Easter

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A selection of local care homes we provide services to:



Bennochy Lodge

Worship Services

Sunday Service

Our normal Sunday worship service starts at 11am (See forthcoming dates).

All visitors are made welcome and everyone is provided with an Order of Service at the door. Hymns are displayed on the large screen and bibles are provided in the pews.

Sunday 8th December

Click to view the Order of Service

You can normally view the Order of Service the day before each service by clicking on the picture to the left.

Each week the leaflet will highlight the scheduled hymns and readings and any special intimations.

The Order of Service was last updated on Saturday, Dec 07 at 05:19 PM

Online Services

Video recordings of most services are streamed live. Details will be available each week on our Bennochy Live! page.

You can also watch previous services on our Sunday Reflections catch-up page.


The offering plate can be found at the start of the centre aisle to allow members and visitors to place their offering prior to commencement of the service. The offering plate will be taken by one of the Welcome Team and placed on the Communion table during the first hymn where it will be dedicated by whoever is leading worship on that day.



Formal communion is observed three times a year with informal communion being held after the monring service on various dates during the year. Both are indicated in the event calendar, below.

Joining the Church

We have a number of people who come regularly to Church but are not members. Perhaps Church membership is something you don’t wish to commit to at the moment so why not consider being an Adherent which means "a person who regularly attends the Church and participates in programs of the Church but who has not become an Active Member"? An Adherent will receive the same communications as regular members and also be eligible to vote on important congregational matters (new Minister for example). If this is something you are interested in please speak to one of our Welcoming Team or George Drummond, Session Clerk.

Sunday School

For children, the Sunday School is available each week during school terms. Youngsters (aged 3 to 12+) take part in first part of the main service, followed by their own activities in the Meldrum Room.


A crèche is available for ages 0 to 3, with our skilled team of child minders.

Activity sheets and crayons for children are also available at all services.

School Services

The North Primary School hold their services at Bennochy Parish Church. See below for dates. All are welcome to attend.

Visiting Worship Services

Note: The Care Home services are currently not operating.

Short services are held on the first Sunday of the month at the Abbeyfield, Marchmont and Bennochy Lodge Care Homes. Anyone interested in joining these worship services would be warmly welcomed. Please let Bob Docherty or Sandra Marshall know if you are interested in participating.


It is usually possible to give help with transport to morning worship.

Car parking is available in Elgin Street and Katherine Street. Please respect residents access.

Parking is also permitted in the car park of Rexel Electrical in Katherine Street, by kind permission of the company, in the evenings and at weekends.

Special Needs

Hard of Hearing Facilities

The following facilities are available:

  • Ramp to the side door (with doorbell) via level path from the Meldrum Road gate
  • Dedicated area in the Church for wheelchairs
  • Accessible toilet
  • Sound system with loop for hard of hearing


After the service, tea/coffee and biscuits are provided in the Methven Hall.

Tea/Coffee after Sunday Worship
Tea/Coffee after Sunday Worship

Event Calendar

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    Location: {location}